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Texas Farmers Connection
Here at Texas Farmers Connection we specialize in selling AGGRAND liquid organic products and AMSOIL synthetic lubricants.  AGGRAND liquid organic fertilizer is a cost effective option for fertilizing everything from a hay field to your home garden.  The cost runs about $35 an acre and that is delivered to your door step, farm, or ranch.  AGGRAND makes 4 products: liquid organic fertilizer, liquid lime, liquid kelp and sulfate of potash, and liquid bonemeal.  We also specialize in AMSOIL synthetic lubricants.  AMSOIL is the leader in synthetics and has been for the past 25 years.  We offer a wide range of products from oil for your lawn mower, truck, or tractor and many things in between.  Thanks for visiting our website.  Please take a moment to browse around and look at what we have to offer!!!
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